Music affects people's emotions in different ways. Certain types stimulate sadness or anger while other types cause feelings of well being or happiness. Music is used in various settings to help set the mood of an environment or to amplify an experience. It is also used to deliver messages in media and entertainment. The power of music continually affects the emotions of people and motivates them towards change or harmony. A great example of harmony that was felt all over the world was Michael Jackson's, We Are the World.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Season Haiku Poems
Winter Haiku Poem
Magical winter
Blankets of beautiful snow
Mountain tops of ice
Magical winter
Blankets of beautiful snow
Mountain tops of ice
Summer Haiku Poem
Warm ocean breeze blows
Sound of ocean waves crashing
Turtle eggs in dooms
Haiku Poem
HW 9
Write a haiku about the role of music in your life (consists of 3 lines with 5,7,5 syllabic rhythm).
Music has rhythm
Life has rhythm like music
Music sooths my life
My first Haiku Poem. This was more difficult then what I thought it would be.
History & Mystery of Chillicothe Ghost Walk
Tis the season.....come and join in the fun. There will be many different performances to enjoy while exploring the many historical sites of Chillicothe. I hope to see you there.
Scott Michal The Moonville Tunnel Ghost
I choose Scott Michal. It was the title The Ghost of Moonville Tunnel that sparked my interest because I am from Vinton County and know the story of Moonville Tunnel. I recall swimming as a child near there and I visit there as often as possible. The history there is amazing, even with the little that is left from the town. It intrigued me also because I did a photo shoot with my dance troupe there last summer. My dance instructor, Penni Alzayer knows Scott Michal and his work and gave raving reviews of his work. The piece started with explosive sound and excitement.
The composure had various pitches and dynamics ranging from loudness to softness, which I can picture with the loud dynamics the drunken conductor being killed and the citing of the his ghost, with the softness I can picture visitors to the tunnel. The quickness of the rhythm with the loud dynamics made me think of, what is coming next?
The slower rhythm with the softer dynamics made me relax. I feel that the rhythm mixed with the loud and soft dynamics are the dominant elements. I decided that I would attach a couple of pictures from our photo shoot for those of you who have never seen The Moonville Tunnel. It is a wonderful place to explore and I think Scott Michal has captured that with his composition.
The composure had various pitches and dynamics ranging from loudness to softness, which I can picture with the loud dynamics the drunken conductor being killed and the citing of the his ghost, with the softness I can picture visitors to the tunnel. The quickness of the rhythm with the loud dynamics made me think of, what is coming next?
The slower rhythm with the softer dynamics made me relax. I feel that the rhythm mixed with the loud and soft dynamics are the dominant elements. I decided that I would attach a couple of pictures from our photo shoot for those of you who have never seen The Moonville Tunnel. It is a wonderful place to explore and I think Scott Michal has captured that with his composition.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Discussion Board---My Favorite Music
I want to start out by saying I love music! Music is a daily part of my life. I listen to music in the car, at work and I always have a radio playing at home. I have always said my perfect job would be a radio disc jockey, but it doesn't pay well. I would never be able to pin down my favorite genre. I listen to all types of music. Each type of music genre makes me feel differently. Instead of posting a link to a favorite group I thought I would post a link to three of my favorite songs that are different.
The first is A River Flows in You by Yiruma. I was exposed to this song in the movie Twilight and instantly feel in love with it. The simplicity of the music has mesmerized me. I love the rhythm and pitch of the piano. Lay your head back, close your eyes and feel the music...relaxing.
The second one is Knockin by the Carolina Chocolate Drops. They are a group of young black musicians who studied from an older black fiddler, Joe Thompson who handed down musical traditions from generations of musicians that he had learned from. I interpret this music as a jazzy, blues style. This music just makes me happy and feel good. I think its wonderful they want to continue a tradition that is dated back to slavery days. When I first heard Adele's song Rolling in the Deep I instantly thought of this song.
The last one is Put a Spell on you by Natacha Atlas. This is the same song that Bette Mittler did in Hocus Pocus. I find this one more interesting because it is sang in two different languages. I also admire her for the ability to become a famous female singer in the middle east. My dance instructor is a wealth of information and turned me onto this song. We have a dance choreography to this song.
Ok, so I was going to stop at 3 put wanted to put one that my 17 year old son came in and ask if I had heard. I of course said yes, and I love that song. Haven't quite figured out the lyrics yet. I think a class mate I posted on already would enjoy this song also.
Hope you enjoy all the videos as much as I did doing this post.
The first is A River Flows in You by Yiruma. I was exposed to this song in the movie Twilight and instantly feel in love with it. The simplicity of the music has mesmerized me. I love the rhythm and pitch of the piano. Lay your head back, close your eyes and feel the music...relaxing.
The second one is Knockin by the Carolina Chocolate Drops. They are a group of young black musicians who studied from an older black fiddler, Joe Thompson who handed down musical traditions from generations of musicians that he had learned from. I interpret this music as a jazzy, blues style. This music just makes me happy and feel good. I think its wonderful they want to continue a tradition that is dated back to slavery days. When I first heard Adele's song Rolling in the Deep I instantly thought of this song.
The last one is Put a Spell on you by Natacha Atlas. This is the same song that Bette Mittler did in Hocus Pocus. I find this one more interesting because it is sang in two different languages. I also admire her for the ability to become a famous female singer in the middle east. My dance instructor is a wealth of information and turned me onto this song. We have a dance choreography to this song.
Ok, so I was going to stop at 3 put wanted to put one that my 17 year old son came in and ask if I had heard. I of course said yes, and I love that song. Haven't quite figured out the lyrics yet. I think a class mate I posted on already would enjoy this song also.
Hope you enjoy all the videos as much as I did doing this post.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
My Ekphrastic Project
Once full of life now lifeless, empty and lonely.
My grand beauty is gone, now an empty shell of what once was.
Panes of glass now with cracks and missing, years of dirt deflecting
the light.Boards withered from many seasons of weather, missing allowing the cold
and heat to come through.
My beautiful shinning white paint is now peeling and a faded whitish gray.
I am now neglected, unseen, unwanted longing to be wanted.
Favorite Nature Spots
The ocean is one of my favorite places. I love the never ending view of the waves, the crashing sound the waves make and the feeling of the sand between your toes. It is a great place to swim or take a chair and get lost in the view, sounds or a good book.

Theatre Puzzle

I did this exercise to replace homework 6. I studied the vocabulary words then started working the puzzle. Blue I new without looking up the answer. Red I had to look up the answers. I thought I knew more then what I thought.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Neglected Foundations
A dear friends home that he grew up in. He passed away this year at age 91. |
Can anyone identify where these places are located at?
Homework #4
As I was researching images of the various visual art I came across an
award winning painting by Cathy Locke entitled Their Falling Landscape,
Which mesmerized me immediately. It is a simple painting but forced the
Viewer to feel such strong emotions such as love, strength and safety.
Cathy Locke is a creative professional with over 25 years of experience.
Her resume includes experience in Portraiture, fine art, art illustration and
teach. She has received numerous awards such as Pastel 100, Pastel
Journal 2009. The artist paints with the intention of the viewer to feel
emotion rather than focus on a particular individual. The artist tends to
paint in a 2-D format. She uses a combination of oil and cold wax, or pastel
and acrylic washes to create the surface. Their Falling Landscape is a mixed
media 40” X 40” painting. This painting leads me to question, does this
painting allow you to see the individuals with emotion rather then just seeing
the individuals.
The painting is a simple painting with no landscaping but only a man
holding a women on his shoulder surrounded by a variety of colors ranging in
the family of the orange and blue colors. The bottom of the painting is
mainly in a navy blue with a lighter blue mixed in with no clear stroke
pattern of the paint brush. The blues wrap around the man and women up to
his mid back. The top of the painting is a variety of the oranges with a
minimal amount of reds, light blue and tan, also with no particular brush
stroke pattern. The man is holding the women on his shoulder with his hands
wrapped at the top of her legs just benethe her buttocks. His head is tilted
away from her. Her hair is hanging down and her arms are on his shoulder.
Her face is looking towards him. The surface of the paining appears to be
rough instead of smooth.
As I gazed at this picute I only seen the individuals in the painting. The
colors in the painting came after when I was deciding what the colors meant
in respect to the emotions I was feeling. Seeing the man hold the women I
felt the emotion of love, strength, safety and security. I viewed that the
blues represented the time of individuality. The man lifting the women on
his shoulder as if to carry her represents to me love, the strength of the
unity, and also the safety and security of the unity. The lighter colors of
oranges signify a brighter time with the unity. The rough surface and no
definition to the brush stroke represents to me uniqueness as each unity
In my opinion this is an excellent painting. The artist had a goal of the
on looker to view the painting with emotion rather than fixate on an
individual. The art world has many was to view art and this artist has
successfully captured in this painting human emotions.
Homework #3
I started this assignment by viewing numerous pictures of art as if I where in an art gallery. I am not sure if I choose the painting of a Gypsy Dancer because of the colors that stand out to me or if it is that this topic is of interest to me. The colors grabbed my attention leading me to feel the painter has captured the culture well with the beautiful colors in the painting. Gypsy's wear multiple colors that may or may not match. With this culture the more colorful the better. The artist has included jewels, scarves, belts and the corset, which is authentic to this culture. The artist has included great detail on the scarf and the corset. The artist has painted the Gypsy Girl dancing which is a long handed down tradition and feel the artist is trying to capture this. The facial expression he has captured is one of happiness and pleasure that is brought on by dance. The artist has chosen colors that blend well together but also stand out to capture the beauty of the Gypsy Girl and the viewer's eyes. In my opinion this is a simple painting but is able to tell a lot of the culture and activity that was painted. My first opinion of this painting was that the artist was trying to capture the beauty of the Gypsy Dancer, her clothing and her dance until I asked a co worker what her opinion of it was. She informed me that her opinion was one of a culture that was dirty bums, scary due to spells and the Gypsy girl looks sad, almost expressionless and the colors where a blend of darkness. I was shocked at this conclusion, which altered mine. My second opinion also included, not only was the artist tying to capture the beauty of the Gypsy Dancer, her fine clothing and her dance but also the happiness, pride and elegance of this subject. I also realized that colors that stood out to me and I viewed as beautiful where viewed as dark to another.
Homework #2
I decided to do the 5 photos of my favorite places. The top left is at Ash Caves in Hocking Hills. If you are able to see the picture you will see a profile of a face made from the rocks. The top right is my dance troupe at Moonville Tunnel in Zaleski, Ohio doing a photo shoot in our Victorian Steampunk costumes. There is alot of history out there. The lower left is the ocean at Topsail Island, NC. I love the ocean. The sound, the view, it relaxes me. The middle is a sunrise. Nothing like going outside in the quiet of the morning watching the sun rise. The right lower is crossing the bridge to get to Topsail Island. I love the patterns of the waterway. Photographs I have to say is my prize possession. I consider it art, memories and a time line. I have pictures of my great grandfather in World War I.
Homework #1
This was my first homework assignment.
Fine art to me is any type of art such as paintings, sculpture, architecture, theatre, music or dance that is viewed as beautiful or brings the individual pleasure. Each individual has there own opinion on what is fine art based on what brings them pleasure or what they view as beautiful. Modern art may be viewed by some as paint thrown on a canvas but to others it is a beautiful creation. At this point in what I have learned about fine art, it can be something created to bring pleasure to the onlooker or intended individual it is meant for. For example, when a child brings a masterpiece of his hands at 5 years old made with paint and stock paper to his parents, they view this as a beautiful piece of art they will cherish forever. It brings them pleasure and they feel it is a piece of art. I wonder by the end of this course if I will have a changed view of what fine art is.
Fine art to me is any type of art such as paintings, sculpture, architecture, theatre, music or dance that is viewed as beautiful or brings the individual pleasure. Each individual has there own opinion on what is fine art based on what brings them pleasure or what they view as beautiful. Modern art may be viewed by some as paint thrown on a canvas but to others it is a beautiful creation. At this point in what I have learned about fine art, it can be something created to bring pleasure to the onlooker or intended individual it is meant for. For example, when a child brings a masterpiece of his hands at 5 years old made with paint and stock paper to his parents, they view this as a beautiful piece of art they will cherish forever. It brings them pleasure and they feel it is a piece of art. I wonder by the end of this course if I will have a changed view of what fine art is.
Discussion Board Topics
Each week we are given a question or two to answer, here are a few to review.
Week # 2
Do colors have a psychological effect on us? Does this psychological effect shift depending on the culture of the viewer? Reference a painting or photograph to defend your thoughts on this topic.
Color is an important aspect of art. Color is one interpretation that each individual determines when creating and viewing art. Each individual interpenetrates color in a different way based on ones individual preferences to color, experiences with the colors being viewed and ones culture. Everyone has a favorite color and tends to enjoy this color more and it brings us into better, calmer moods. I have attached a painting that is full of color.

Discuss the topic of creativity.
I believe creativity is how each person contributes to society. Each person has the ability to see things in different views. Individuals can take one object and each can come up with a different idea for use. I feel that creativity is used in our everyday lives be it decorating our homes, new ways of dealing with our everyday problems in our life and yes even when we are dressing everyday. Creativity is in our lives regardless to our age or our income. We are born with creativity and I believe we die with it. After all we are molded after the greatest creator off all!
Week #3
What are your thoughts on the brief excerpt on Beauty by Aristotle? Do you agree or disagree, why?
Week # 2
Do colors have a psychological effect on us? Does this psychological effect shift depending on the culture of the viewer? Reference a painting or photograph to defend your thoughts on this topic.
Color is an important aspect of art. Color is one interpretation that each individual determines when creating and viewing art. Each individual interpenetrates color in a different way based on ones individual preferences to color, experiences with the colors being viewed and ones culture. Everyone has a favorite color and tends to enjoy this color more and it brings us into better, calmer moods. I have attached a painting that is full of color.
Discuss the topic of creativity.
I believe creativity is how each person contributes to society. Each person has the ability to see things in different views. Individuals can take one object and each can come up with a different idea for use. I feel that creativity is used in our everyday lives be it decorating our homes, new ways of dealing with our everyday problems in our life and yes even when we are dressing everyday. Creativity is in our lives regardless to our age or our income. We are born with creativity and I believe we die with it. After all we are molded after the greatest creator off all!
Week #3
What are your thoughts on the brief excerpt on Beauty by Aristotle? Do you agree or disagree, why?
I just cannot entirely agree with Aristotle that beauty is symmetrical, structured and definiteness. We are all unique in our minds, thoughts and opinions. With this said, what one my define or see as beautiful, symmetrical and organized, another may not. I once seen a finger painting of all colors, lines and shapes painted by a group of children. I realize now that it had no theme, structure, definiteness or was not symmetrical but this painting to me was beautiful and amazing. I also applied this theory to our everyday lives and ourselves as individuals. I realized that we all look differently, dress differently, views of beauty of other individuals differ and our homes differ. My conclusion is that beauty cannot have just one theory. Every individual on a daily basis determines multiple times a day if something, be dance, music, scenery, objects or someone is beautiful to them in their opinion. I also realized as I was reading all the posts that we all have a different variation of what beautiful is.
What public art, murals and sculptural works, exist in your local area? What purposes do they fulfill? How does the community respond to them?
I live in Vinton County and to my knowledge we do not have any public murals that we can enjoy. I have quickly realized how fortunate other towns are to have these to enjoy. While doing this research I found other forms of art that are enjoyable. We have covered bridges, quilt barns, monuments, and a community theatre group. I have now raised the question to myself, what is my county doing to preserve our history because it seems that each mural that has been posted has a piece of history in it. I also thought of the Tucumpsa mural in Chillicothe that was beautiful that they have since painted over.
Week #4
Examine the terms: ephemeral, ethereal, iconology and iconography. Provide examples of visual art for each term. Try to include paintings, sculpture and architecture in your examples.
Ephemeral is art that is designed to last for only a short time. Sand art is one type of ephemeral art. The image of the sand castle was created by Archisand located in southern California.
Ethereal art is that light, airy, delicate and refined. I chose the painting of the fantasy girl because of the colors, how relaxed she seems and how the birds are gracefully in flight.
Iconology is the study or field of art history concerning icons. I included Rosie the Riveter, which symbolized the female work force during World War I.
Iconography is the symbolic representation meanings attached to an image or images. The study or analysis of subject matter and its meaning in the visual arts.
This type of art is usually associated with Egypt.
Ethereal art is that light, airy, delicate and refined. I chose the painting of the fantasy girl because of the colors, how relaxed she seems and how the birds are gracefully in flight.
Iconology is the study or field of art history concerning icons. I included Rosie the Riveter, which symbolized the female work force during World War I.
Iconography is the symbolic representation meanings attached to an image or images. The study or analysis of subject matter and its meaning in the visual arts.
This type of art is usually associated with Egypt.
Choose and a write a brief paragraph review of one article (from theartnewspaper or artinamerica) or one episode (from Tell us your thoughts in your own words. Try to use some new art terminology in your review.
I decided to read Russian icons discovered in Egypt, Conservators say Sinai's climate helped preserve art and artifacts by Sophia Kishkovsky. Approximately 100 Russian icons and decorative objects where found at the St. Catherine's Monastery. The objects dated back from the 16-19th century. It is believed that the icons linked between Russia and Sinai where by the first Russian pilgram to the monastery was a 15th century monk, followed by Russian merchants and officials who brought gifts. In return the monk sent gifts back to Sinai. The icons where on display in the Chapel of Burning before being hidden away in the sacristy for serveral decades ago. The icons kept in the sacristy where in almost perfect condition. It is believed that the stable temperature and humidity of Sinai is the reason the icons where preserved in their almost perfected condition. Icons must have stable temperature and humidity to remain in good condition. I found this article interesting because of the history in it. I feel it is an amazing and wonderful discovery to find these artifacts and art. It is hopeful that the art world will continue to discover new and improved ways to preserve art and artifacts.
Week #5
In your learned opinion, what are the key elements that differentiate theater from the other fine arts? (Use a few vocabulary words in your answer. In this answer, you are allowed to reference your personal experience with theater, as a participant or audience member, to defend your thoughts.)
Week #5
In your learned opinion, what are the key elements that differentiate theater from the other fine arts? (Use a few vocabulary words in your answer. In this answer, you are allowed to reference your personal experience with theater, as a participant or audience member, to defend your thoughts.)
Theater is a different type of art using aesthetic values. The scripts, scenes, costumes, lighting, music and props set the stage to take the patron for example to another time and place. I belong to The Friends of the Library in my county. We assist in production of plays throughout the year. Last Christmas Friends of the Library produced Its a Wonderful Life. Members of our community attend an audition to tryout doing scenes from the play in an attempt to obtain the character they would like to portray. Another such production that Friends of the Library conducted was Tea with the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland for the children of our community. This involved improvisation. In April the Spring Literary Arts Festival takes place in our county. We choose a theme and arrange an entire weekend that is centered around that them. In 2010 our theme was the Roaring 20's which also included a Vaudeville production. This year we honored our military with the theme On the Home Front: Rivets Rations and Romance which also included a USO production. I enjoy theater. I thought I would post a couple of pictures from Its a Wonderful Life and Tea with the Queen of hearts from Alice in Wonderland.
After reviewing all the examples for week 5, choose the one that “speaks” to you. Tell us which example intrigued you and why, using vocabulary.
The example I chose was Notes on Uncle Vanya. Every person can relate to the verisimilitude of each character. I tend to enjoy more of a drama that you can identify past or present life experiences with. Realism is easily definable. The costuming, properties and set tend to be authentic to the time period of the script. I enjoy being swept away to another time and place.
Week #6
Where can you perceive and apply the 12 stages of the hero’s journey? (Cite an example from theater, film, novel or commercial.)
I quickly decided on my all time favorite movie, The Goonies. This movie is about a group of rag tag kids called The Goonies.
I quickly decided on my all time favorite movie, The Goonies. This movie is about a group of rag tag kids called The Goonies.
1. Ordinary World-The Goonies, Mikey, who is the one that leads them in search for one eyed Willie’s treasure, Brand, is Mikey’s older brother who is a typical older brother who cares for his brother and the goon dock’s despite his strong front. Mouth, is the obnoxious one that annoys the others but has talents that help throughout the movie. Chunk, is the heavy goonie who makes up stories and tries to make the others believe them. He is most famous for the Truffle Shuffle he had to perform in order to gain entrance to Mikey’s house. Data is the one who invents gadgets that seem to come in handy throughout the movie. Andi, is the cheerleader that is dating Brand and Stef who is Andi’s friend is smart mouthed but compassionate live in Astoria Oregon in the area that is referred to the goon docks. It is a working class neighborhood.
2. Call to Adventure-The goon docks are trying to be bought by the richest man in Astoria (Mr. Perkins) by foreclosing on the goonies family homes. He plans to build a golf course. Mikey encourages the Goonies to hunt One Eyed Willie’s hidden treasure to save the goon docks.
3. Refusal of the Call-Mikey, Chunk, Mouth and Data tie Brand up with his exercise equipment and ride their bikes to begin their search for the hidden treasure.
4. Meeting with the Mentor-Chester Cooperpot died trying to find One Eyed Willie’s treasure. Mikey talks the Goonies into pushing forward to continue on with the treasure hunt.
5. Crossing the First Threshold-The goonies enter an underground world full of twisting passages, surprises and booby traps.
6. Tests, Allies, Enemies-The goonies are faced with booby traps created by one eyed Willie in order to protect his treasure. The Fratelli’s, who are a family of criminals are also seeking the treasure after learning about it from Chunk. They are chasing the goonies through the underground world.
7. Approach-Throughout the movie the goonies are set back by booby traps and broken spirit. Mikey is the one that lifts their spirits to keep hunting for the treasure.
8. Ordeal-The last booby trap they find is a piano made of bones. Andi must play the piano from the notes on the treasure map they are following. Each wrong note a part of the floor drops out into an endless pit, each right note a rock plank drops for them to escape the booby trap from.
9. Reward-once they have successfully played the piano, they cross the blank into twisting water tunnels that lead to an underground cave that contains a pirate ship that hold the treasure they are hunting from the treasure map.
10. The Road backThe Fratelli’s find the goonies and the treasure. They escape the ship after being made to walk the blank.
11. With the goonies in the water the Fratelli’s are pocketing the treasure setting off another booby trap that causes the underground cave to start caving in. Slouth who is a Fratelli that is deformed and kept chained up helped the goonies escape from the underground cave.
12. Return to Elixir-The goonies return to the goon docks where they are being searched for by their families and the authorities. While Mike’s father is signing the papers to sell his home to Mr. Perkins Mikey’s bag that held his marbles are found that is full of jewels. The goon docks are saved with the jewels.
As you can see it fits very well.
I quickly decided on my all time favorite movie, The Goonies. This movie is about a group of rag tag kids called The Goonies.
1. Ordinary World-The Goonies, Mikey, who is the one that leads them in search for one eyed Willie’s treasure, Brand, is Mikey’s older brother who is a typical older brother who cares for his brother and the goon dock’s despite his strong front. Mouth, is the obnoxious one that annoys the others but has talents that help throughout the movie. Chunk, is the heavy goonie who makes up stories and tries to make the others believe them. He is most famous for the Truffle Shuffle he had to perform in order to gain entrance to Mikey’s house. Data is the one who invents gadgets that seem to come in handy throughout the movie. Andi, is the cheerleader that is dating Brand and Stef who is Andi’s friend is smart mouthed but compassionate live in Astoria Oregon in the area that is referred to the goon docks. It is a working class neighborhood.
2. Call to Adventure-The goon docks are trying to be bought by the richest man in Astoria (Mr. Perkins) by foreclosing on the goonies family homes. He plans to build a golf course. Mikey encourages the Goonies to hunt One Eyed Willie’s hidden treasure to save the goon docks.
3. Refusal of the Call-Mikey, Chunk, Mouth and Data tie Brand up with his exercise equipment and ride their bikes to begin their search for the hidden treasure.
4. Meeting with the Mentor-Chester Cooperpot died trying to find One Eyed Willie’s treasure. Mikey talks the Goonies into pushing forward to continue on with the treasure hunt.
5. Crossing the First Threshold-The goonies enter an underground world full of twisting passages, surprises and booby traps.
6. Tests, Allies, Enemies-The goonies are faced with booby traps created by one eyed Willie in order to protect his treasure. The Fratelli’s, who are a family of criminals are also seeking the treasure after learning about it from Chunk. They are chasing the goonies through the underground world.
7. Approach-Throughout the movie the goonies are set back by booby traps and broken spirit. Mikey is the one that lifts their spirits to keep hunting for the treasure.
8. Ordeal-The last booby trap they find is a piano made of bones. Andi must play the piano from the notes on the treasure map they are following. Each wrong note a part of the floor drops out into an endless pit, each right note a rock plank drops for them to escape the booby trap from.
9. Reward-once they have successfully played the piano, they cross the blank into twisting water tunnels that lead to an underground cave that contains a pirate ship that hold the treasure they are hunting from the treasure map.
10. The Road backThe Fratelli’s find the goonies and the treasure. They escape the ship after being made to walk the blank.
11. With the goonies in the water the Fratelli’s are pocketing the treasure setting off another booby trap that causes the underground cave to start caving in. Slouth who is a Fratelli that is deformed and kept chained up helped the goonies escape from the underground cave.
12. Return to Elixir-The goonies return to the goon docks where they are being searched for by their families and the authorities. While Mike’s father is signing the papers to sell his home to Mr. Perkins Mikey’s bag that held his marbles are found that is full of jewels. The goon docks are saved with the jewels.
As you can see it fits very well.
Which one of the performance art examples ‘spoke’ to you? Explain why you like it. Use new terms.
The video that I found the most interesting was The Living Status. This type of performing art would be difficult to master. Think about how many times we blink or even move in a minute, now imagine not being able to make the slightest move or blink for an extended period of time. It would take an extended amount of time to complete the costuming. We raise money for our local library with and event called the Fairy Fest. We have a faerie or a mystical creatures that will move for money. I will say this is one thing I will never master. It is more difficult then it seems.
More to come. I hope you are enjoying the discussion topics thus far.
More to come. I hope you are enjoying the discussion topics thus far.
How do you want to be remembered?
I hadn't thought of this until recently when I lost a friend to cancer. Mulu was from Ethiopia and started battling cancer approximately 6 months ago. She lost her battle on October 9th in her home country. She left behind 3 small children. Her family and friends where devastated with the quick defeat the cancer made. Mulu was strong in her faith. Once family and friends gathered I heard several statements from different people that where the same.
1. Mulu is the kindest person I know.
2. She is strong in her faith.
3. Mulu will help anyone in need.
4. Mulu is a strong, independent women.
5. She is a great nurse.
6. A wonderful mother and wife.
7. Mulu is a role model to friends, family and strangers.
8. She is a wonderful, giving friend.
I could continue this list forever. This quickly made me realize I want people to remember me for much of the same qualities as Mulu. The way you want to be remembered affects your life daily, a person must make decisions daily that effect the way you are remembered. How do you want to be remembered?
1. Mulu is the kindest person I know.
2. She is strong in her faith.
3. Mulu will help anyone in need.
4. Mulu is a strong, independent women.
5. She is a great nurse.
6. A wonderful mother and wife.
7. Mulu is a role model to friends, family and strangers.
8. She is a wonderful, giving friend.
I could continue this list forever. This quickly made me realize I want people to remember me for much of the same qualities as Mulu. The way you want to be remembered affects your life daily, a person must make decisions daily that effect the way you are remembered. How do you want to be remembered?
Friday, October 14, 2011
First Week of Art Class
This was one of the discussion questions from the first week of class. We are now at midterm. Do I feel different from the statement I made the first week? No, I still stand behind my statement.
I believe fine art is anything that is admired for it's beauty and brings pleasure to self and others. I feel art does not have to have a money value. Fine art can be found in paintings, sculpture, glass art, dance, acting, photographs and various creative hobbies. What one may perceive as art another may not. I believe that everyone has an opinion on what art is and that all opinions are not alike.
Introduction of myself to my Fine Arts Class
Crystal Mullins Intro
- Author:
- Posted Date:
- Wednesday, August 24, 2011 11:44:18 AM EDT
- Edited Date:
- Wednesday, August 24, 2011 11:44:18 AM EDT
- Total views:
- 45 (Your views: 7)
Hello all, my name is Crystal Mullins. I am a Registered Nurse and currently work as an MDS Coordinator. I have been a nurse since 1991 (I think I am telling my age here). I have 2 children, my daughter is 20 and is currently in college for nursing. My son is 17 and a senior at Vinton County High School. I am taking some general courses working on my BSN in nursing. My long term goal is to obtain my Master's Degree in Nursing. With my vast experience I would like to teach in nursing. Like so many other this class is a required course. Art has always been an interest of mine although I have no experience with formal art. I have friends who I believe are artiest with their own creations, music, talents and dance. For example I have a friend who is a glass blower who creates beautiful, unique creations. Another is my dance instructor for our dance troupe of performers of middle eastern tribal fusion belly dancing. She also travels as the Henna Fairy, where she does Henna stains. For all mothers each child is an artist proven by all the cherished and kept handmade gifts that we have received throughout their young lives. My goal for this course is to actually define what art/fine art is. Determine if it is ones opinion or is there criteria that has to be met for it to be considered art. Does art have to have a money value. So many questions that I think will be answered at the end of this course.
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